Topic: Basics of writing a nonfiction book that will give you at least N100k in the next 30 days or less on Facebook and Whatsap

Learning Objectives:
At the end of this session, you will learn a step by step way to create an ebook that will generate at least N50k in the next 30 days or less on Facebook and Whatsap
Step 1

Choose a best selling title through market research
- How to choose a topic

1️⃣ Choose a general topic. 

What is the general topic that covers what you want to write about 
E. G of general topics 
Digital marketing 
Making money online etc

Write down your general topic
 You must understand that your topic is the first impression you create in people's heart about your book. 

Once you create a dull, boring or wrong impression about your book, you'll definitely loose the chance of people clicking your book  or even making the decision of purchase. 

Note the above fact.

Titling your book is not like giving titles to sermons

You need to understand the strategies behind it so as to get it right once and for all.

2️⃣ Be experienced not necessarily an expert

Your topic should be something you have an interest in, you don't need to be an expert but you need a bit of an experience, 

Something you know more than the average person out there

3️⃣ Carry out diligent research

Read books 

There is one book I would like to give you after going through this article that will show you book titles that sell 

Infact the book titles contained in this article have generated $100,000 000 in book sales 

Find out a particular pressing problem that people are looking for solutions to 

-key word research pro to find out pain points 
-Answer the public 
-Facebook groups 
-Answer the public etc

Find the solution and write it down

The next process after choosing a general topic is to NARROW DOWN

So if you choose a generalized topic like Digital Marketing…

The question is…what are the problems people face with digital marketing that you can solve
 How to narrow down

 Know your audience

In terms of their demographics 

-Where they congregate online(Facebook groups, Instagram and influencers they follow etc)
Know the solution you are bringing to the table

Be specific with what your book will do for your reader in the title
What's going to be their outcome after purchasing your product

How will your reader's benefit from your book, narrow down the outcome of purchasing and using the information in your book


The only goal the title aims to do is to make the viewers stop what they're doing and click to learn more. The title also aims to register itself in people's heart, that's if the book was impactful.

In choosing a title, it must meet the following criteria

1. Grab attention

2. Explain the outcome/result

3. Define the audience
Grabbing attention.

From the word grab, you should know it's not a negotiable attempt. It's a forceful action you place in the mind of your reader with words. Yes! Words are powerful indeed and could make a person glued to you.

Your title could be direct,  sneaky, controversial or funny. E.g Operation Suck Money(the weirdest name I've ever heard😂) 

Note that your title must not and shouldn't be boring. I'm sure when you gain attention you wouldn't want to loose it.
Explaining the Outcome

I have said this severally, your book should be clear on the solution you are offering. This is why you have the opportunity of giving your book a title and a subtitle.

Note: the first person to explain the outcome to is yourself

Use this formula

My book will help (target audience) to get (the outcome)

You can rephrase it your own way.

The following phrases should help you come up with title for your book.

How to( outcome)

Step by step guide that( outcome)

Secrets for (outcome)

Learn how to (outcome)

Easy tips on ( outcome)

Step 2

Go to Amazon or any other book store or library where you can find books on the topic you chose 

Also check out to download books on the topic you chose 

Read at least 4 hot selling books on the topic and take notes of interesting ideas and actionable plans 

What you are doing here is preparing your mind

Listen to people, read blogs and opinions on platforms like Facebook groups, Quora, Reddit etc
Step 3

Arrange the notes you took in a logical manner and add your own ideas and personal experiences to it and write your report 

 Come up with your table of contents

Start writing a little at least a page

 write the first draft and don't do anything about it
 Step 4

Arrange the ideas into a logical way that one idea leads to another
Step 5 

Type in Microsoft Word or any app you use like Google docs 

Get a graphic designer to do book cover and mock ups

You can also do it on your own by going to canva website and using the templates there
Step 6 

Upload your book on Amazon Kindle, kobo course, Jv marketplace etc for sale
Step 7

Adverise your book 

Ad book cover to the file and covert to pdf

©️Namso Umoh 

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